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  At Cowboy Church of Corsicana you will find a warm, friendly atmosphere with a genuine spirit of love. Our purpose is to provide exceptional fellowship, great music, and inspiring messages with a Western Heritage approach. Our vision is for everyone to have a real life changing experience with Jesus Christ. We have exciting worship where the Holy Spirit's presence is always felt. Come just as you are and be a part of this incredible, growing church. As pastor Derek says, "you are only a visitor once, then you're just part of the family! "

    Teen Movie Night                         Feb. 22       5:30pm
            at the church gym
   New Horizons:                             Mar. 1         6:00pm
                Meet, Eat & Mingle
   Health & Home Workshop #1    Mar. 8          7:30am         
             plant selection, fertilizers, mulch
             using minerals for health 
             raising chickens - egg layers/ meat birds
    Men's Breakfast                         Mar. 15       7:30am   
    Be sure and check out the website
               Become a member to keep up with the 
               latest rallies and news about the
Live Stream of our Sunday Morning Service can be seen on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel approximately 10:00am.